Thursday, November 29, 2007

"You’re a Fucking Idiot" and Other Conversation-Starters

[A black luxury SUV parks across three parking spaces and a gaggle of tittering teenagers emerge and walk past me towards the pizza place]
You’re a fucking idiot.

Idiot Driver:[stops tittering; looks at his friends to make sure he has an audience]
What’s your problem, man?
My problem is that you’re a fucking idiot.

It’s pretty simple, really.
Idiot Driver:
Your mother’s an idiot.

[suppressing a laugh]
Tell your dad I’m sorry about leaving those bite-marks in his ass last night.
[The teens freeze, and then run into the pizza place]
[A Big Shot tells a lady who is strapping her child into a car-seat to get out of his way]
Me:Excuse me, sir, but I’m giving a seminar and I’m wondering if you’d care to attend?
Big Shot:
[ignores me as he tries to shove his bulk into his car]
Me:It’s called, "How to Not Be an Asshole", and I think you’d really benefit from it.
Big Shot:
[surprised; annoyed; curious; still wedging his square-block into a circular-hole]

I can give you step one right now.

Big Shot:[playing along]

Big Shot:All right - what’s step one?
Kill yourself.
Big Shot:[enraged but stuck halfway into his car]
Oh yeah?
[tries unsuccessfully to pull himself from his car]
What’s the next step, tough guy?

Why don’t you take care of step one, and we’ll talk about the rest later.
[Three gregarious youths are playing football near my parked car; the ball squirts through a pair of hands that are frozen from playing in winter-weather and hits the front bumper of my car]
Nice catch.
Slippery Hands:[gingerly retrieving the ball]
Sorry, man.
I’ll make you a deal: I won’t call the cops if, and this is a big if...
[pause for effect] let me show off my cannon.
Slippery Hands:[relieved]
Uh, sure.
[I take the hard-as-a-brick, slick ball and pathetically wing the ball one-third of the way to his buddy]
That’s POWER right there, my friend.

Slippery Hands:[embarrassed for me]
Um, yeah...seeya dude.
[he scoops up the ball as he runs back to his friends; they laugh and continue their horseplay, and this one encounter alone equalized my karma from the other two]

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